Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I feel that I must first apologize for the fact that I was unable to publish the post yesterday. I'm still currently having problems with getting internet on my laptop at home and have been sent two USB internet modems that are not compatible with my PC. In an attempt to keep you all updated, here's a short review of the weekend.
Most of us who took the intensive month program finished class on Friday. Much of our group left soon after, but still leaving a good chunk of us behind. On Friday, some of us got together at a local bar to hang out. A while later, we decided to hit up one of the local discotecas. Previously thinking "Oh we're only going to a bar. I don't need to care about what I look like," I quickly put on a sweatshirt and running shoes to meet my friends. But going to the discoteca posed a new concern, because in Spain the guys dress very metro-sexual and the discotecas have strict dress codes. Alas, upon arriving to the discoteca and trying to get passed the bouncer, I was turned away because my running shoes were insufficient. While I would have liked to spend more time with my friends, I wasn't too distraught over being denied entry into the club because at 2:00ish in the morning, I was pretty tired and was more than happy to climb into my bed back at my home-stay.
Saturday brought nothing particularly exciting. The highlight came around 10 at night when a group of us got together for churros and chocolate. Yes, along with the siesta, churros con chocolate is yet another great invention that Spain has given us. The churros are pretty similar to what you might see in the States, but they are plain instead of coated with sugar. Then, one who is consuming the churros, dips the churro into a cup of chocolate (Think of hot chocolate, but really really thick....actually, just think about melting chocolate. Now put it in coffee/tea cup. Yeah, it's delicious.).
On Sunday those of us still in Granada decided to explore Sacromonte, part of the city in the hills of Granada where there are caves. There is even a museum dedicated to the caves and shows visitors how people lived in the them many years ago. Most of us decided to forgo the museum, not wanting to spend even the slightest amount of money. However, I think I many go back and visit the museum later, as those who decided to spend time at the museum said it was pretty interesting. We spent the rest of the afternoon hiking through the hills (or if you live in Ohio, "mountains"). It was beautiful looking down at the city and getting a clear view of the snowed-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevada. For lunch the group and I climbed an old wall, which, looking back was definitely not the safest decision we've ever made, but it was totally worth it despite the fact that some of the wall would crumble if you grabbed hold in the wrong place). We sat up on this wall, approximately 20 feet from the ground and continued to look out over the place we're calling home for the next four months. After lunch we continued hiking to the very top and then, after taking pictures of course, we began our descent. Arriving back to the city, we decided to reward ourselves with gelato. It probably undid all of the work we had just done that day, but it was quite refreshing. After heading home a few of us met an hour and a half later to go salsa dancing at a club that provides free lessons on Sundays. Needless to say, I was dead at the end of the day, but I can honestly say Sunday was one of the best days I've had here so far. I feel like our group is getting to know each other better and we can just relax and have fun together.
I suppose that bring us to yesterday and today. Yesterday began preparations for a trip to London with my roommate and our friends Shari, Emma, and Taylor. After a month I finally broke down and bought an actual winter coat. I got a great deal on it (only 25 euros!) as there are major sales going on in Spain right now called "Rebajas." Shari, Emma, Chris, and I also made a trip to a Costco like store to buy groceries to make dinner tomorrow on our way to the airport. Tonight we will leave for Madrid, camp out at the airport, and leave for London tomorrow morning. I really excited to see the city, especially after talking to my grandma and my friend Brandon Boucher. Both of them gave me great ideas for what to see and do in London. As I will be in London for the rest of the week, there will be no more posts until next week. Fear not though, I will be sure to update you on all of my shenanigans in London and provide you with both picture of London and Granada. Well, I guess that's all for now. Have a great week, friends!

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